‘Live2Lead’: A Leader Development Experience in Guyana

Live2Lead is a leader development experience designed to equip individuals with new perspectives, practical tools and key takeaways. You’ll breathe new life into your leadership during this information-packed event, which will be happening in Guyana soon.

John Maxwell Guyana team – Vishnu Doerga, Sonia Noel and Rawle Dundas

Presented in Guyana on October 6, 2017, Live2Lead is a worldwide leadership simulcast event hosted by the John Maxwell team in Guyana, comprising of Vishnu Doerga, Sonia Noel and Rawle Dundas.
Speakers at the Live2Lead event in Guyana include Dr John C. Maxwell, leadership expert and #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach and speaker, who was identified as the #1 leader in business by the AMA and the world’s most influential leadership expert by Inc. Magazine in 2014; Dave Ramsey, a personal money-management expert, best-selling author who wrote seven best-selling books; Cheryl Bachelder, a passionate restaurant industry executive, who most recently served as the CEO of Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, Inc., and who is known for her crisp strategic thinking, franchisee-focused approach, development of outstanding leaders and teams. Cheryl also most recently ranked #1 by Inc. Magazine in a Top Ten List of the World’s Best CEOs; Warrick Dunn, former NFL Running Back, who, after a 12-year career in the NFL, retired and in 2009 was approved by the NFL owners to become a limited partner of the Atlanta Falcons. Through Homes for the Holidays, Dunn honours his mother, Better Smothers, who, as a single-mother of six, strived for the American dream of homeownership. While working, she was killed and was never able to realise that dream. In 2002, Dunn founded Warrick Dunn Charities to improve lives through innovative programming inspired by his journey.
Live2Lead is designed to deliver the very best leadership content to inspire and motivate you and your team, plus connect with other influencers in your community and expand your business network with relationships that produce tangible results. Live2Lead has made a great impact on the lives and organisations of those who attended in the past and is projected to have resounding impact in many spheres in Guyana as the information gained is utilised.
The week following Live2Lead, the John Maxwell team in Guyana will be a part of the Global Youth Initiative. Youths across Guyana will benefit from impactful sessions to boost self-esteem, promote positive thinking and action and to stand against bullies and negative youth activities.
Interested schools, youth organisations and interested individuals can make contact with the team on 223-5583.

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